Huwebes, Marso 7, 2013

Interview with Ryan Borja

  “Do yourself a favor” a famous quotation that made me inspire doing this interview article. It was a privilege for us La Verdarians to meet a person whose skills and passion in writing made us amuse and wonder about the world of writing and communication. It was an inspiring moment for us students because we are thought of new things in writing that we never heard and thought before. And I thank God for this opportunity to have him in just an hour. And this man is Mr. Ryan Borja.
   After his discussion to us, we asked for an interview and luckily he said yes. I’m so excited and nervous about the interview with him. And after a few minutes our conversation with him started.
   He was from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and graduated from the course of Mass Communication. And now he writes on, a design studio. But we were most interested about his pas t experience in Manila Bulletin. He stayed in  Manila Bulletin for two years and he writes in the business section. Maybe this is the reason that I can recall his name. And since that I’m browsing some of the prominent newspapers in the country that I look unto the author of the article. Anyways, as a writer at Manila Bulletin, he acquires his facts mostly by going to press conferences etc.
  As writer, he also values reading books because we can also get information’s but not as before that he reads novel every time maybe because of his work schedule. As a writer, we also ask him about what is his uniqueness to others and he said that only the readers can see your uniqueness in writing. Well that’s true because you cannot only say that your style in writing is unique and stylish unless the readers finds. He also cited Haruki Murakami, a Japanese writer and even Marites Vitug that he finds her writing very smooth and appreciates her book that has also make some noise to the Philippine Politics about our corrupt justices and in the Supreme Court.
  And since he had some discussion with us students of La Verdad Christian College, we also ask him about his expectations to us and he said that he knows that we have a high expectation form him as a student of the school but he also expects that we already knew blog and as scholars we could be a part of a editing team or a journalism team. A dream fulfilled to me.
  Well, it was a dream come true to talked with writer. Not just an ordinary but experienced writer that has been a part of one of the prominent newspapers in town. And I remembered the quotation “ do yourself a favor”. As early as possible know your strength and focus to it. Because nowadays, its not enough that you are good in writing but also try to explore new things that would made you marketable in the future. And for an aspiring like me, I’m on my way to be there!

Miyerkules, Marso 6, 2013

So refreshing, so cool and so nice...
Nature is in
Twiter of mine :))
Levi Malig-on : 15 tweets. 139 following. 20 followers..

Dear Kuya

       Life issues are now a favorite topic in the radio nowadays. Family problems, people seeking for love, people who wants to be famous, greetings, people who wants attention etc. This problems are now advised by radio DJ’s whom I think have nothing to do with them and their advises is not an advise but a joke. It seems to us funny but when you realize, those will not help to solve your problem. But a new radio program has making new trends in the radio industry in the country.

  Dear Kuya, hosted by Kuya Daniel Razon is a radio program that helps people in their dilemmas in life and answers it not buy jokes or anything but by the words of God together with the most sensible preacher of all time, Bro Eli Soriano. When it was first announced in the church that Kuya Daniel will launched Dear Kuya, I’m very excited because I know this program will be a first in the Philippine radio. Aside from a simple radio program, this will also make way to teach to our fellowman the wisdom and truth of the word of God.

  The program features a drama about the featured story of the day. And the voices behind the characters of the drama are our schoolmates from the third year. As a first year student, I’m very happy because a day is an opportunity to us because whenever UNTV and UNTV Radio is needing people for its production on its show and programs, they first go to La Verdad because they know that La Verdarians are full of talents, competent and marketable.  And we’re very proud that our schoolmates from third year have been hired for dear Kuya. It’s been a pleasure that every day you will come and see Kuya Daniel. You’ll be very inspired to work hard and play the characters well.

  It’s more than a month since Dear Kuya started to air in the radio and many lives have been changed by the show. Many people are also inspired so they always listen to this program. “An inspirational radio program”, that’s what others say about Dear Kuya.  Well, it’s more than that but a biblical inspirational program that offers solution to problems by the words of God. 

Lunes, Marso 4, 2013

Why I am here @ La Verdad Christian College

                                               Why I am here @ LaVerdad Christian College

“There’s a reason for everything”
  A famous quotation that explains why I am here at La Verdad Christian College. I’m totally surprise that I’m her along with hundreds of students who are studying for free! And that is an opportunity to grab off. Not everyone is given a chance to be part with this scholarship grant and by the leaders of our church, Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon.
   It was in my graduating days as a fourth year student. We are busy talking, inquiring and searching of many schools in the metro. And upon searching on this schools came the devastating blow. I’ve taken various entrance examinations like the famous UPCAT of UP and PUPCET of PUP but unfortunately, my exams failed. At that time, it was the darkest phase of my life. It’s a like a turnaround. I’m in great pain and sorrow that I’ve even cry to my best friend when I was sharing this to her.
  “After the rain, there’s a rainbow”, and the rainbow just came into my life when my family decided that maybe I should try at La Verdad Christian College scholarship program. At first, I resist because all of my friends back in high school were studying at Manila and that is I wanted to. Even though we have different schools but were just distance away. But I have no choice, or else I will not go to school. So I try and by surprise, I passed the exam. I’m very happy because I passed it and my parents will be happy for me.  And after some interview’s, I’m on my way.
   So far, this school has brought a lot to me. I didn’t expect that we’ll have a taste of the spotlight by having variety shows in our humanities in the first semester. It’s like we are in a production house and we are the new recruits. I’ve learn new things that I just learn in the school. And I think that I have one step ahead because of the knowledge that the school had thought me with the help our dedicated instructors. We are exposed on the production world and in the future, the world of media.
   Whenever I tell to my friends what are the activities in the school, they are surprised because they didn’t have those activities at all. I never imagined of creating and working on production on this early stage in college. Maybe in other schools, they just care for your money but not for the purpose that you enrolled to them. I’m very happy and thankful that I belong here.  I just realized that were being trained to be a real professional people in the industry. And that makes me perceived more in studying in this school. Many have tries, but few are chosen. This is a opportunity that should be grab. And for me, I just grabbed it!